Tampa General Hospital Hit By Hackers

Discovers Data Breach Impacting 1.2 Million Patients

Tampa General Hospital Building

Tampa General Hospital recently revealed that it fell victim to a cyberattack, resulting in the compromise of sensitive personal data of approximately 1.2 million patients. The breach, attributed to an "unauthorized third party," was detected on May 31 after the hospital noticed unusual activity in its computer systems. According to a statement released on its website, the infiltration occurred between May 12 and May 30, executed by a criminal group.
Immediate actions were taken by the hospital to contain the breach, launching an investigation with the support of a third-party forensic firm, preventing any severe disruptions to patient care services.
The stolen patient data varies from individual to individual and may include names, addresses, phone numbers, date of birth, Social Security numbers, health insurance information, medical record numbers, account numbers, dates of service, and limited treatment information used for business operations.
Tampa General Hospital has undertaken the responsibility of notifying potentially affected patients via mail, ensuring they receive prompt information about the incident. Additionally, the hospital is providing complimentary credit monitoring and identity theft protection to patients whose Social Security numbers were compromised.

Click here for more information from the Tampa General Hospital Website

If you are currently a patient, it is advised you carefully review statements from your health insurers and healthcare providers, promptly reporting any unauthorized services.
The hospital assures the public that its electronic medical record system was not involved or accessed during the cyberattack.
In light of recent events and as part of our ongoing commitment to safeguarding everyone's data through Awareness, we want to take a moment to remind all TallMark friends and collegues about the importance of staying vigilant against phishing attempts. Phishing attacks continue to be one of the most significant cybersecurity threats in the world today, and it is crucial that we all remain well-informed to protect ourselves and our families

Identifying Phishing Emails:

Phishing emails are designed to deceive and manipulate recipients into revealing sensitive information, such as login credentials or personal data, by clicking on malicious links or downloading harmful attachments. Here are some common signs to help identify phishing emails:

Best Practices:

To reinforce our defense against phishing attacks, keep the following best practices in mind:

Risks of Clicking Phishing Links:

Clicking on phishing links can have severe consequences as an individual. These risks include:

In addition to the above tips, you can also protect yourself from phishing scams by: